Lets talk Home Education

Home Education has rapidly increased the last few years in the UK, from 2020 a door of opportunities opened for so many families who found out that not only is possible to home educate their children but most importantly that it is the best fit for their children and for their families.

I quote from a government press release dated 8th January 2025 “according to the latest government data, around 111,000 children and young people are home educated, up from an estimated 55,000 before the pandemic.”

Every family is unique and so the reason for making such decision rely on different individual factors. Some parents will choose to home educate their children for religious values, others decide to home educate after their child has been bullied, and reasons vary like mental and emotional wellbeing, the level of anxiety because the school in some children, in many cases when a child has a special or additional need his parents will want to customize and personalise the education for the specific needs of their child as the education system cannot realistically meet those needs in full. We know that every child has the capacity to learn, and I do emphasis “every child” and it will happen in their own pace and finding the best individual way to learn for them.

When it comes to education and speaking of additional needs I have to say that for the majority of families the school results to be the most popular option. Honestly Home Education may not be the right or best choice for everyone, if you are willing to help your child with or without special needs to get his potential while being involve on the process to offer him the best education, then it is worthy you dive into the world of home education and find out more.

Children have different talents, interests, skills, and home education gives the opportunity so that they can flourish developing those strengths in particular

Home Education does not mean stay inside the house all the time having a strict schedule similar to the one in the school, you do not have to recreate the school classroom, or have an extra room to teach your child, teaching can happen on the kitchen table, in the garden, you have the freedom to be practical and teach math while going to the shop to buy the groceries or while baking a cake, in the process they get confident because are allowed to develop their communication skills and give them the space and freedom to do an important task. Education opportunities do not happen only while sitting giving them a lesson, but also in every moment, and all the time.

Home Education is basically a job, although with the benefit of flexibility.There is not a formula that works for everybody, there are many curriculums out there and to tell the true is about trial and error to find your fit. Patience is a virtue and will be a thing you will develop on the journey ideally also your husband will grow together with you that will mean a total bless, there are single moms doing a great job.

It is mostly the mother who take the role to teach and some lucky families have the father actively involved as well, in the cases when the father cannot because his job don’t allow him or because he may lack the gift to teach, then you Mom will need to be strong to face some criticism from people, from friends or even family members, in some cases even from the husband, every scenery and situation is different, but if you are sure is the best for your child and the results of your effort mute their mouths then Mom, just strengthen your shoulders to continue going on the right directions, you are not alone, there are other moms like you, try to find your tribe even online, there are moments of frustration or tiredness although the reward is worthy

Resources or similar resources to the ones featured in this post:

  • Spelling Games, Wooden Matching Letters Toy with Words
  • Alphabet Stamps Art Set – Craft Your Way to Learning useful for fine motor, recognition letter, blending, practice phonetics, colour recognition, etc
  • Magnetic Building Blocks or Kids Toys, Montessori sparks creativity, fine motor, concentration time, cause and effect, shapes
  • Soft Plastic Play Balls Multicoloured  ideal for matching alphabeth capaital and small letters, numbers, shapes, counting, etc
  • Camping tent for our picnic day